Family Therapy Individual Therapy
Twenty percent of Americans deal with mental health issues every year. When those suffering do not seek out help, it can have seriously detrimental effects on their lives. We offer a wide range of mental health interventions and can help you find the solution that is right for you.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer for patients. We can work with you to customize your therapeutic options, including non-medication interventions such as psychoanalysis, family therapy, and more.

Psychotherapy takes a medication-free approach to mental wellness and serves as the foundation of mental health treatment. As a practice, psychotherapy centers itself in empathy and working closely with the patient. In session, patient and therapist assess the difficulties facing the patient and develop life-changing strategies for dealing with these issues. Typically, psychotherapy is patient-driven and, as such, unique to each patient.
Types of Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is a wide-ranging discipline with many subcategories. The following are just some of the types of Psychotherapy available:
- Mentalization-Based Therapy: works well with BPD
- Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: works well with anxiety and depression
- Humanistic Therapy: works well with anxiety and depression
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: works well with esteem issues, depressive disorders, anxiety, eating disorders, and bipolar disorder
- Exposure Therapy: works well with phobias
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy: ideal for those with co-morbid disorders or bipolar disorder
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Interpersonal Therapy: impulse disorders, addiction, eating disorders

Group Therapy
Therapy for Couples
Couples who want to work on their relationship and their own roles in that relationship can benefit from couples therapy. This therapeutic approach may include sessions attended by both parties as well as individual sessions for each member of the couple. Those who qualify for couples therapy are not limited to married couples; anyone in a relationship or domestic partnership can benefit from couples therapy.
Do We Need Couples Therapy?
Any couple can benefit from couples therapy, even happy ones. Couples therapy is not the last stop on the road to divorce or separation, as many think. While it can serve as intervention during a time of crisis, it can also be a great way to deepen and enhance a connection and serve as a preventative measure against future difficulties. Couples therapy is also a good option for families dealing with mental illness in one member of the couple, giving the partner the tools he or she needs to support their partner.
Couples Therapy Myths
Some believe that couples therapy can exacerbate issues, thinking that a counselor might take sides or alienation one of the partners. Nothing could be further from the truth with a well-trained mental health professional. The couples therapist will serve as an objective party and give each partner constructive tools for dealing with the relationship.
Family Therapy
Family means many things to many different people. As such, family therapy takes many forms. Divorced co-parents may want family therapy or an extended family of multiple generations may benefit. The group learns to work together and is taught tools for building true support and connection throughout the family unit.
What Happens in Family Therapy
The first appointment in family therapy is typically when the therapist gets to know the family. He or she will ask questions about the nature and dynamic of the various relationships in the family, and the family will share their reasons for coming to therapy. In the case of acute crises, a therapist will offer immediate intervention. In many cases, a family will need therapy on an ongoing basis; however, family therapy does not typically take as many sessions as one-on-one therapy might.